NetBSD 7.0 发布

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NetBSD 项目发布了 NetBSD 7.0,这是 NetBSD 操作系统发布的第五个主要版本。

这次发布带来了稳定性的提升、几百个 bug 修复以及许多新功能。主要有:

  • DRM/KMS 支持为使用现代的 Intel 和 Radeon 显卡的 x86 系统带来了图形性能提升
  • 支持 ARM 多处理器
  • 支持许多新的 ARM 主板:
    • 树莓派 2
    • ODROID-C1
    • BeagleBoard, BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black
    • MiraBox
    • Allwinner A20, A31: Cubieboard2, Cubietruck, Banana Pi, etc.
    • Freescale i.MX50, i.MX51: Kobo Touch, Netwalker
    • Xilinx Zynq: Parallella, ZedBoard
  • NPF 的重要改进:
    • BPF 默认带有即时 (JIT) 编译功能
    • 支持动态规则
    • 支持静态(无状态)NAT
    • 支持 RFC 6296 的 IPv6-to-IPv6 网络前缀翻译 (NPTv6)
    • 支持基于 CDB 的表(使用完美哈希和可靠的无锁 O(1) 查找)
  • USB 子系统中支持多处理器
  • 一个集成了包过滤器的新的守护进程 blacklistd(8) 可以动态保护诸如 ssh, named 和 ftpd 等其它网络守护进程免受攻击
  • 在磁盘 wedges 处理方面的几个改进(关于 wedges 参见 dkctl(8)
  • 在 sysinst 中通过扩展分区菜单支持 GPT
  • Lua 内核级脚本
  • epoc32:一个支持 Psion EPOC PDA 的新移植
  • GCC 4.8.4:支持 C++11
  • 可选的完整 BSD 协议的 C/C++ 运行时环境: compiler_rt, libc++, libcxxrt.

NetBSD 7.0 的完整更新列表见此

完整的 NetBSD 7.0 的源代码和二进制可以在全球的许多站点下载到。下载站点列表:,支 FTP, AnonCVS, SUP 等服务。建议需要下载 ISO 或 USB 磁盘镜像的用户通过 BitTorrent 下载, 种子在此 。使用 PGP 签名的校验列表:

NetBSD 7.0 支持许多种架构,提供二进制发行版的有:

NetBSD/acorn26Acorn Archimedes, A-series and R-series systems
NetBSD/acorn32Acorn RiscPC/A7000, VLSI RC7500
NetBSD/algorAlgorithmics, Ltd. MIPS evaluation boards
NetBSD/alphaDigital/Compaq Alpha (64-bit)
NetBSD/amd64AMD family processors like Opteron, Athlon64, and Intel CPUs with EM64T extension
NetBSD/amigaCommodore Amiga and MacroSystem DraCo
NetBSD/amigappcPowerPC-based Amiga boards.
NetBSD/arcMIPS-based machines following the Advanced RISC Computing spec
NetBSD/atariAtari TT030, Falcon, Hades
NetBSD/beboxBe Inc’s BeBox
NetBSD/catsChalice Technology’s CATS and Intel’s EBSA-285 evaluation boards
NetBSD/cesficCES FIC8234 VME processor board
NetBSD/cobaltCobalt Networks’ MIPS-based Microservers
NetBSD/dreamcastSega Dreamcast game console
NetBSD/emipsThe Extensible MIPS architecture from Microsoft Research
NetBSD/epoc32Psion EPOC PDAs
NetBSD/evbarmVarious ARM-based evaluation boards and appliances
NetBSD/evbmipsVarious MIPS-based evaluation boards and appliances
NetBSD/evbppcVarious PowerPC-based evaluation boards and appliances
NetBSD/evbsh3Various Hitachi Super-H SH3 and SH4-based evaluation boards and appliances
NetBSD/ews4800mipsNEC’s MIPS-based EWS4800 workstation
NetBSD/hp300Hewlett-Packard 9000/300 and 400 series
NetBSD/hppaHewlett-Packard 9000 Series 700 workstations
NetBSD/hpcarmStrongARM based Windows CE PDA machines
NetBSD/hpcmipsMIPS-based Windows CE PDA machines
NetBSD/hpcshHitachi Super-H based Windows CE PDA machines
NetBSD/i386IBM PCs and PC clones with i486-family processors and up
NetBSD/ibmnwsIBM Network Station 1000
NetBSD/iyonixCastle Technology’s Iyonix ARM based PCs
NetBSD/landiskSH4 processor based NAS appliances
NetBSD/luna68kOMRON Tateisi Electric’s LUNA series
NetBSD/mac68kApple Macintosh with Motorola 68k CPU
NetBSD/macppcApple PowerPC-based Macintosh and clones
NetBSD/mipscoMIPS Computer Systems Inc. family of workstations and servers
NetBSD/mmeyeBrains mmEye multimedia server
NetBSD/mvme68kMotorola MVME 68k Single Board Computers
NetBSD/mvmeppcMotorola PowerPC VME Single Board Computers
NetBSD/netwinderStrongARM based NetWinder machines
NetBSD/news68kSony’s 68k-based “NET WORK STATION” series
NetBSD/newsmipsSony’s MIPS-based “NET WORK STATION” series
NetBSD/next68kNeXT 68k “black” hardware
NetBSD/ofppcOpenFirmware PowerPC machines
NetBSD/pmaxDigital MIPS-based DECstations and DECsystems
NetBSD/prepPReP (PowerPC Reference Platform) and CHRP machines
NetBSD/rs6000IBM RS/6000 MCA-based PowerPC machines.
NetBSD/sandpointMotorola Sandpoint reference platform, including many PPC-based NAS boxes
NetBSD/sbmipsBroadcom SiByte evaluation boards
NetBSD/sgimipsSilicon Graphics’ MIPS-based workstations
NetBSD/sharkDigital DNARD (“shark”)
NetBSD/sparcSun SPARC (32-bit) and UltraSPARC (in 32-bit mode)
NetBSD/sparc64Sun UltraSPARC (in native 64-bit mode)
NetBSD/sun2Sun Microsystems Sun 2 machines with Motorola 68010 CPU
NetBSD/sun3Motorola 68020 and 030 based Sun 3 and 3x machines
NetBSD/vaxDigital VAX
NetBSD/x68kSharp X680x0 series
NetBSD/xenThe Xen virtual machine monitor
NetBSD/zaurusSharp ARM PDAs

这个版本中只支持源代码格式的 port 的有:

NetBSD/ia64Itanium family of processors


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